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#1 23 Mar, 2015 23:15:46


Hey guys, I'm new to this website. I moved here after IB went down (I'm still crying over it, it's kind of pitiful, but I don't really care...that much...ha...ha...WAHHHHH!!!!). Anyhoo, my name is Jessica, I'm 14 years old and from the U.S, and I love writing-

(commence presentation)

I can't draw. At all. My best drawing is a demented version of Kenny from South Park (and it doesn't even look like him). On the other hand, I can write out of the wazoo on pretty much any topic. So, if you want to draw something, but don't have any clue of how to go about the writing, I'll gladly help you out! You can message me here or through my facebook page.

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