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#1 11 Nov, 2014 01:32:42


Hi. I'm Alston! I literally just joined the site, and I'm excited about getting to know you guys. I am currently apart of comicfury.com and inkblazers.com. Both of my webcomics are on both of those sites, and I use the same username. It's good to be here, and I hope that we can all be friends. wink

#2 06 Jan, 2015 13:34:19


Hi there, welcome on Amilova wink.
Sorry for being that late to welcome you.
Can you provide links to your comics?
If you want to publish on Amilova just contact me and I'll give you the needed special powers.

Cheers !

♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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Linda22a Nouveau ! hier [harly.] [+18] la (...) Your article content as (...)
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