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#1 01 Nov, 2011 10:59:57


Hello dear friends of comunity Amilova! Have samebody to like translater the English for French? so if yes tranlate my bd "Give me some love!" please!



#2 01 Nov, 2011 23:32:23

carl hood

easy! it's Je T'ame!

#3 02 Nov, 2011 10:00:49


I´m not french... but I think that "Je T´ame" means... "I love you"... I Think it´s not the same xD

Google translate this: "Donnez-moi un peu d'amour".

But as I said... I´M NOT FRENCH!!

Good luck wink

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#4 02 Nov, 2011 15:23:48


*Donnez moi de l'amour !*

If no one is doing it, I'll give it a try one weekend... but I'm very busy... but I'll try smile.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#5 02 Nov, 2011 21:34:35


I understand Troy, thanks

#6 02 Nov, 2011 21:37:45


Yeah johandark I agreed with you! ;p 

thanks johandark, Troy and Carl for your words! ;p

#7 03 Nov, 2011 01:50:14


"Je t'ame" ?! O.O
"je t'aime" wink

Otherwise, feel free to pass on the French part of the forum to find your translator. There are plenty of French just waiting for that!

Modérateur en chef du forum, disponible par mp et via le forum. Interdiction de me vouvoyer~~♥
On ne flood (hs, troll, hating, kikoolol, ..) pas et on aime son prochain ! ♥
Suis mon profil -> ICI ♥ - et tu auras tout compris ☻

#8 03 Nov, 2011 20:26:15


Apparently, to write je t'ame instead of je t'aime is a common mistake for non-native french speakers, because it's not the first time I see it! Na dit brings lots of memories!!

-Chuck Norris ne se mouille pas, c'est l'eau qui se Chuck Norris.
-Chuck Norris est contre les radars automatiques : ça l'éblouit lorsqu'il fait du vélo

#9 04 Nov, 2011 19:21:25


thanks everyone! wink

#10 06 Nov, 2011 07:33:00


maybe me if i have time to improve my skills wink

Valdé, auteur, gaulois, mangeur de nutella♥ et tueur de moustiques smile

#11 06 Nov, 2011 12:16:54


Thanks, I´ll by very happy if you or someone traduze for me! and them the people "French" can read my bd! ;p

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