
#1 18 Jan, 2012 20:14:19


Have you heard about those bills that the American politicians are trying to pass?
By accident I read an article in wikipedia (here is a link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia: … Learn_more ) and I are shocked!!!  not only from what would be the consequences but also how Americans who are proclaiming to be a free country and trying to protect the freedom all the time are actually doing the opposite.
What do you think?

#2 19 Jan, 2012 09:05:10

Robot Panda

The sad thing is that nobody was taken seriously when ... we were trying to raise awareness against SOPA and PIPA until that Wikipedia blackout yesterday. I'm glad to see it was successful and raised enough awareness.

SOPA and PIPA are bad not because they will damage piracy, since they will not. At all. But what they will do is kill sites like youtube and all others that rely on user generated content to survive, because all it will take is the potential risk of sharing pirated stuff to take a site down. It will damage innovation and creativity that isn't related to the big corporations, indie artists, developers, etc. won't have much options to get exposure (because now youtube helps them A LOT), etc. etc.
It's bad to put the power in the hands of the people with money. Those corporations and governments should be afraid of their people, it should not be the other way around.

#3 19 Jan, 2012 16:42:03

Robot Panda さんの発言:

The sad thing is that nobody was taken seriously when ... we were trying to raise awareness against SOPA and PIPA until that Wikipedia blackout yesterday. I'm glad to see it was successful and raised enough awareness.

SOPA and PIPA are bad not because they will damage piracy, since they will not. At all. But what they will do is kill sites like youtube and all others that rely on user generated content to survive, because all it will take is the potential risk of sharing pirated stuff to take a site down. It will damage innovation and creativity that isn't related to the big corporations, indie artists, developers, etc. won't have much options to get exposure (because now youtube helps them A LOT), etc. etc.
It's bad to put the power in the hands of the people with money. Those corporations and governments should be afraid of their people, it should not be the other way around.

Yep I saw the same thing with the Wikipedia and I get shocked... with... WHAT?! I really thought that Americans would just ignored that SOPA... but now it´s really incredible... :S

Stupid people... GOOD TOPIC! wink

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#4 19 Jan, 2012 23:15:36


Today is a good day: I found out that BG government put a memorandum against the Shale gas extraction in my country. i hope soon to have also good news about those two stupid bills

#5 20 Jan, 2012 08:52:23


In parallel MegaUpload got his fatality http://www.amilova.com/en/forum/viewtop … p=1#p38797
Interesting everything happening at the same time...


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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