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#1 23 Jul, 2011 21:43:50


I should have done it a long time ago, but I forgot ^^'

I'm Karine, French Canadian, Quebecker to be precise. I'm 20 years old. I start learning English when I was young and I liked learning it, so I did all I could to become good, so here I am. smile I love many american series such as dr. House and they are way better in English, belive me ^^ I love mangas and comics, bau I also love science and cars. Yeah, I said I love cars, and yes, I'm a true girl wink

I'm part of the mods team and the translation team. smile

since the English-speaking community is becoming bigger, I'll do my best to be more present on the English part. So don't hesitate to send me a private message or to ask me questions on the forum wink

So have fun with us on amilova.com smile

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#2 24 Jul, 2011 20:49:07


mmm... nh nh... you said you love mangas and comics.. but you did not put any example tongue...

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#3 24 Jul, 2011 21:01:31


ho, true ^^ My favorites one are very populare, nothing exeptional ^^' Naruto, Tsubasa Reservoir shronicles, Death Note, Dragon Ball Z, and ma favorite comics is X-Men (the originals X-Men XD)

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