ARKHAM roots: глава 6, страница 5 Подача комментарии Read the latest comics at Wed, 05 Jun 2024 21:01:03 +0000 silverfire141997 сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=626681#RClast silverfire141997 So like being delirious? Fri, 09 Aug 2013 07:50:18 +0000 Smiley сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=398522#RClast Smiley johandark сказал: Smiley сказал: Romania(but i am only half romanian,the other half is Greek so i'll get back to Greece once i finish my studies) Why!? "we are going to sell it for 10 euro's at some events we have in our country" Wich events do you mean? Whatever you sell when you are beginning try to sell it at the lower price as you can. even if you are losing money at the beginning, if you really belive in your project... is just an inversion of money for the future. Nijikon and it's twin sister (i don't remember it's name,but it's held in Transilvania ). We cannot sell it at less than 7 euros,otherwise there would be no profit(not big enough ). + A tome of 5 chapters = 10 euro,seems fair enough, 20 pages x 5 chapters = 100 pages(that means 50 sheet) every chapter has a start page that shows SPIRIT CRISIS(exactly after the chapter cover) and on it's back says THANK YOU words for buying the book,and let's not mention the 2 pages at the end : NOTES and THE END OF THE CHAPTER that says about its 4 pages/chapter...20 pages/5 chapters...10 sheets...that makes 60sheets...for 10 euros,seems fair! But wait,some chapters have more than 20 pages,so ,well you get the point.) Mon, 09 Jan 2012 22:33:20 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=398315#RClast johandark Smiley сказал: Romania(but i am only half romanian,the other half is Greek so i'll get back to Greece once i finish my studies) Why!? "we are going to sell it for 10 euro's at some events we have in our country" Wich events do you mean? Whatever you sell when you are beginning try to sell it at the lower price as you can. even if you are losing money at the beginning, if you really belive in your project... is just an inversion of money for the future. Mon, 09 Jan 2012 14:13:42 +0000 Smiley сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=398309#RClast Smiley johandark сказал: Where do you live? Romania(but i am only half romanian,the other half is Greek so i'll get back to Greece once i finish my studies) Why!? Mon, 09 Jan 2012 13:17:24 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=398061#RClast johandark Smiley сказал: johandark сказал: The main idea is to sell Chapter by chapter by Internet at the price of 0.99€ every one. Probably there will be an offer for several chapters at the same time. Probably 10 chapters could be offered by 5.99 € (a chapter is more or les 15 pages). But new ones are gonna be offered by 0.99 €. About Manga Book. It will be 100 pages more or less for about 5 €uros I think. What do you think? What do i think!? Great idea! I am trying to sell SPIRIT CRISIS by VOLUME,we made some sketches for selling and things like that, it's something like this : it takes 5 euro to print a VOLUME that has 5 chapters,and we are going to sell it for 10 euro's at some events we have in our country. ATM i have 3 completed chapters and i'm working on the 4th. We have 20 pages/chapter. That means 10 sheet for chapter. You should try selling at a higher price. Good luck with that. Where do you live? Sun, 08 Jan 2012 21:49:58 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=397672#RClast johandark lysgris сказал:great news dude!good to hear that you will be rewarded for your work! keep it up! Thanks! I´m really happy with that too ^^ Sun, 08 Jan 2012 08:59:14 +0000 lysgris сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=397655#RClast lysgris great news dude!good to hear that you will be rewarded for your work! keep it up! Sun, 08 Jan 2012 04:30:16 +0000 Smiley сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=397496#RClast Smiley johandark сказал: The main idea is to sell Chapter by chapter by Internet at the price of 0.99€ every one. Probably there will be an offer for several chapters at the same time. Probably 10 chapters could be offered by 5.99 € (a chapter is more or les 15 pages). But new ones are gonna be offered by 0.99 €. About Manga Book. It will be 100 pages more or less for about 5 €uros I think. What do you think? What do i think!? Great idea! I am trying to sell SPIRIT CRISIS by VOLUME,we made some sketches for selling and things like that, it's something like this : it takes 5 euro to print a VOLUME that has 5 chapters,and we are going to sell it for 10 euro's at some events we have in our country. ATM i have 3 completed chapters and i'm working on the 4th. We have 20 pages/chapter. That means 10 sheet for chapter. You should try selling at a higher price. Good luck with that. Sat, 07 Jan 2012 20:12:15 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=397260#RClast johandark Smiley сказал: YEAAA! THAT'S THE SPIRIT! So,i will be able to buy arhkam books!? Please tell me you're doing it in tomes/volumes(a lot of chapters into a single book,not per chapters). The main idea is to sell Chapter by chapter by Internet at the price of 0.99€ every one. Probably there will be an offer for several chapters at the same time. Probably 10 chapters could be offered by 5.99 € (a chapter is more or les 15 pages). But new ones are gonna be offered by 0.99 €. About Manga Book. It will be 100 pages more or less for about 5 €uros I think. What do you think? Sat, 07 Jan 2012 13:28:39 +0000 Smiley сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=397203#RClast Smiley johandark сказал: Smiley сказал: johandark сказал: Smiley сказал:Akuma is such a courtesan. I hate her. Man this comic is done so good,that it gives you feelings,great job. jajaja I´ve never seen "courtesan" like that way... jaja I´m glad that this comic gives you feelings. ^^ thank you very much!! (from February. There will be 5 pages per week. from that moment, I will start charging money for this comic! : P YOU GOTTA BE KIDING ME! 5 pages/week! Does that mean i will have to pay to see it here? Not exactly... I mean... The pages will be released first to PREMIUM users obviusly... Just they will be always 5 pages in advance. (But a NON PREMIUM user will have 5 pages per week too ^^). YEAAA! THAT'S THE SPIRIT! So,i will be able to buy arhkam books!? Please tell me you're doing it in tomes/volumes(a lot of chapters into a single book,not per chapters). Sat, 07 Jan 2012 12:31:49 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=397047#RClast johandark Smiley сказал: johandark сказал: Smiley сказал:Akuma is such a courtesan. I hate her. Man this comic is done so good,that it gives you feelings,great job. jajaja I´ve never seen "courtesan" like that way... jaja I´m glad that this comic gives you feelings. ^^ thank you very much!! (from February. There will be 5 pages per week. from that moment, I will start charging money for this comic! : P YOU GOTTA BE KIDING ME! 5 pages/week! Does that mean i will have to pay to see it here? Not exactly... I mean... The pages will be released first to PREMIUM users obviusly... Just they will be always 5 pages in advance. (But a NON PREMIUM user will have 5 pages per week too ^^). Fri, 06 Jan 2012 23:44:36 +0000 Smiley сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396833#RClast Smiley johandark сказал: Smiley сказал:Akuma is such a courtesan. I hate her. Man this comic is done so good,that it gives you feelings,great job. jajaja I´ve never seen "courtesan" like that way... jaja I´m glad that this comic gives you feelings. ^^ thank you very much!! (from February. There will be 5 pages per week. from that moment, I will start charging money for this comic! : P YOU GOTTA BE KIDING ME! 5 pages/week! Does that mean i will have to pay to see it here? Fri, 06 Jan 2012 19:52:28 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396572#RClast johandark Smiley сказал:Akuma is such a courtesan. I hate her. Man this comic is done so good,that it gives you feelings,great job. jajaja I´ve never seen "courtesan" like that way... jaja I´m glad that this comic gives you feelings. ^^ thank you very much!! (from February. There will be 5 pages per week. from that moment, I will start charging money for this comic! : P Fri, 06 Jan 2012 12:06:37 +0000 Smiley сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396568#RClast Smiley Akuma is such a courtesan. I hate her. Man this comic is done so good,that it gives you feelings,great job. Fri, 06 Jan 2012 12:00:43 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396528#RClast johandark ZXkai сказал:why jumana is always angry ? I guess that "Jumana" is Akuma... xD I don´t know.. probably she is in the period... (sorry for the really bad joke xD). I think that she hates her job... because of Jaume guy... (but then why is working in something she hates?... humm... good question). xD Fri, 06 Jan 2012 09:53:48 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396527#RClast johandark sunpath сказал:if you want i can do some editing for you but it will be in a week or something time because at the moment i am renovating my home jeje it would be really apreciated! ^^ no problem.. take your time and do what you want and can.. I´m just really happy for what you had done... so it´s fine whatever you do else more... xD. thanks ^^ Fri, 06 Jan 2012 09:52:22 +0000 sunpath сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396520#RClast sunpath if you want i can do some editing for you but it will be in a week or something time because at the moment i am renovating my home Fri, 06 Jan 2012 09:33:00 +0000 ZXkai сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396513#RClast ZXkai why jumana is always angry ? Fri, 06 Jan 2012 09:08:54 +0000 ZXkai сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396512#RClast ZXkai why jumana is always angry ? Fri, 06 Jan 2012 09:08:54 +0000 johandark сказал:глава-6/страница-5.html?c=396511#RClast johandark sunpath сказал:wacko is also good one because it implies that she is not well mentally and keeps Akuma stile of speaking which at the moment is angry, bad-mannered and loud i´ve never heard this word... but that´s ok xD Fri, 06 Jan 2012 09:04:56 +0000