DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: глава 25, страница 25 Подача комментарии Read the latest comics at Sat, 01 Jun 2024 06:56:35 +0000 Chewys сказал:глава-25/страница-25.html?c=1176393#RClast Chewys Hahahahahaha Mon, 13 Sep 2021 23:07:33 +0000 This....IS MY BOOMSTICK сказал:глава-25/страница-25.html?c=1176299#RClast This....IS MY BOOMSTICK All the time people recognize me on the street and ask me "CHEwys, CHEwys, how can I collaborate with your comic !?" (thisisarecreationneverhappened). (link) To be fair, a guy with three eyes tends to stand out from the crowd. xD Mon, 13 Sep 2021 09:15:37 +0000 Chewys сказал:глава-25/страница-25.html?c=1176170#RClast Chewys Hello everyone! I am CHEwys, maybe you remember me from the "Carbon Chemistry" classes or as the scriptwriter, editor and collator of "An Earth without Goku" and several Dragon Ball videos. All the time people recognize me on the street and ask me "CHEwys, CHEwys, how can I collaborate with your comic !?" (thisisarecreationneverhappened). Well dear readers, here is the answer to your questions: If they want to subscribe and help with a monthly contribution (like 1 euro a month or whatever you want) you can do so on Patreon. The nice thing about Patreon is that to thank you for your support I can submit unpublished things or advance pages! But ... wait, maybe you are not people who like to go around subscribing to things and do not want commitments of any kind ... Do not worry! I also have PayPal where you can donate whatever you want, whenever you want, as many times as you want every time you like a page (or hate it and want to suffocate me in money as punishment!). Thank you very much to all of you for your support, as always. I send you all my best wishes and gratitude! If you want you can contact me here on Amilova or any of my other networks: here I leave all my links. Sat, 11 Sep 2021 02:50:12 +0000