DBM U3 & U9: Una Tierra sin Goku: глава 22, страница 6 Подача комментарии Read the latest comics at Fri, 10 May 2024 00:24:55 +0000 TotalmentoTulio сказал:глава-22/страница-6.html?c=1145137#RClast TotalmentoTulio Bulma's armor / exoskeleton looks quite sturdy, but despite that I doubt that it is resistant to direct attacks of pure and concentrated energy, and even with the accumulated combat data and martial arts it doesn't mean that she can execute them, the body and the exoskeleton would be fighting for control, she tries to act in one way and the armor computer in another, it would be dangerous, Bulma must be in control. However, as I said before she is a genius, if she had her hidden potential unlocked she would be able to do wonders that allowed her to even rule the WORLD through CC, even though she is on the team of nice guys. Thu, 24 Sep 2020 04:22:22 +0000 John Boredonquixote сказал:глава-22/страница-6.html?c=1144996#RClast John Boredonquixote Yeah! Show him what you got!!! If the suit has incorporated in its memory all of the martial arts, then Bulma has an advantage Tue, 22 Sep 2020 19:12:52 +0000