Itai Tenshi: チャプター 1, ページ 15 コメント ♥アミロバー♥の最新の漫画を読んでください! Mon, 10 Jun 2024 14:42:04 +0000 Y-Mangaka のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-15.html?c=389705#RClast Y-Mangaka johandark のコメント:Nice to see you around Too Y-Mangaka! that´s pretty interesting ^^. Your pages in future are really much better than now... but it seems a really nice comic thanks a lot. ^^ Im glad you like my comic and I hope you'll follow and vote for it. ;> Wed, 21 Dec 2011 16:13:55 +0000 johandark のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-15.html?c=389039#RClast johandark Nice to see you around Too Y-Mangaka! that´s pretty interesting ^^. Your pages in future are really much better than now... but it seems a really nice comic Tue, 20 Dec 2011 10:03:14 +0000 Y-Mangaka のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-15.html?c=388995#RClast Y-Mangaka tai のコメント:What perv face was doing Itai-kun in the second panel xP <BR> <BR>And poor Yawarakai (again)... maybe she too has one hell of bad luck (despite she being an angel). hehe, yea. XP true. ^^' haha, good one. XD Tue, 20 Dec 2011 02:33:57 +0000 tai のコメント:チャプター-1/ページ-15.html?c=388983#RClast tai What perv face was doing Itai-kun in the second panel xP And poor Yawarakai (again)... maybe she too has one hell of bad luck (despite she being an angel). Tue, 20 Dec 2011 01:07:59 +0000