Amilova: capítulo 2, página 28 Feed de comentarios Lee el más reciente cómic en Wed, 24 Apr 2024 21:00:38 +0000 Kor the Legendary Kami ha dicho:ítulo-2/página-28.html?c=312568#RClast Kor the Legendary Kami Leslie75 ha dicho:Cool the english version is back into schedule Leslie75 ha dicho:Cool the english version is back into schedule Shon: "YAY!!!" Kor:"I hope that they eventually get to the point where they show Amilova and her teacher having sex because I just totally see Amilova truly being a Lesbian or Bi. Maybe it was just that look of content she showed in her imagined version of her teacher bathing her in the shower like that and also the fact that she imagined the teacher being naked too. What's to say that the teacher really was naked? Amilova doesn't know that. Also the way she got angry looked like she only didn't like the teacher doing that because she wasn't awake to take a shower with her." Mon, 28 Feb 2011 15:08:27 +0000 Leslie75 ha dicho:ítulo-2/página-28.html?c=312565#RClast Leslie75 Cool the english version is back into schedule Mon, 28 Feb 2011 14:20:49 +0000