LEGACY OF DRYCE: capítulo 4, página 16 Feed de comentarios Lee el más reciente cómic en Sun, 16 Jun 2024 08:13:09 +0000 ebilly ha dicho:ítulo-4/página-16.html?c=1166273#RClast ebilly Because of real world situations, and internet providers who are jerks this is the end of legacy of Dryce. It's sad I had so much planned for this and for my three or four viewers I am truly sorry maybe someday I'll come back and finish this I really want to. I was even working on my art so that I could draw this instead of having to rely on others but sometimes life serves you rotten tomatoes there's nothing I can do about it and until next time well see you probably Wed, 12 May 2021 17:46:05 +0000