Black War - Artworks: chapter 2, page 1 Comments Feed Read the latest comics at Sat, 27 Jul 2024 06:55:20 +0000 Ouv said: Ouv maxisofi said:that's very interesting, thanks for sharing !!!! I like very much to know how things have been illustrated, where the creation comes from... ! I love it too. It´s always nice to see the process behind a story. Troy told me the readers might be interested in the "making of" Black War. I went back to my files and realized We had a lot to show. So here it is :-) Fri, 18 Mar 2011 20:45:21 +0000 maxisofi said: maxisofi that's very interesting, thanks for sharing !!!! I like very much to know how things have been illustrated, where the creation comes from... ! Fri, 18 Mar 2011 19:28:34 +0000