Saint Seiya - Black War: capítulo 1, página 18 Feed de comentarios Lee el más reciente cómic en Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:04:04 +0000 Coyona Tercero ha dicho:ítulo-1/página-18.html?c=409126#RClast Coyona Tercero Ouv ha dicho:Coyona Tercero ha dicho:I got the translation for this page, but the translator don't have every the text box correctly located. It should be OK now: I placed the Text boxes It's ready my translation thanks Fri, 03 Feb 2012 00:12:33 +0000 Ouv ha dicho:ítulo-1/página-18.html?c=409121#RClast Ouv Coyona Tercero ha dicho:I got the translation for this page, but the translator don't have every the text box correctly located. It should be OK now: I placed the Text boxes Thu, 02 Feb 2012 23:56:32 +0000 Coyona Tercero ha dicho:ítulo-1/página-18.html?c=409023#RClast Coyona Tercero I got the translation for this page, but the translator don't have every the text box correctly located. Thu, 02 Feb 2012 18:18:27 +0000